One of The Oldest Carpets in The World

Dating around the 4th–3rd centuries BCE, The Pazyryk rug is one of the oldest carpets in the world.

In 1949, the carpet was found in the Bolshoy Ulagan dry valley of the Altai Mountains of Kazakhstan in the grave of a Scythian nobleman.

As the carpet was frozen in ice, it was well-preserved.
Dating around the 4th–3rd centuries BCE, The Pazyryk rug is one of the oldest carpets in the world.
It is believed that the carpet was made in Ancient Armenia, Persia, or Central Asia, and was used as a Sakic (nomadic tribesmen from Eurasia) funeral accessory.

The rug, made using the traditional Turkish knotting system, features designs of lotus buds, deer, men on horses, and men leading horses.
Dating around the 4th–3rd centuries BCE, The Pazyryk rug is one of the oldest carpets in the world.
Researchers believe that a special dying technique involving fermentation of the sheep’s wool before dying increased the brilliance of colour and longevity of the rug.
Dating around the 4th–3rd centuries BCE, The Pazyryk rug is one of the oldest carpets in the world.
The sophisticated techniques used in the Pazyryk carpet imply a long history and development of skills and technical knowledge in weaving. 

 Today, the rug is in the Hermitage Museum in Russia.ills and technical knowledge in weaving. Today the rug is in the Hermitage Museum in Russia.